Hermione Granger and the Silent Country 20: The Smallness of Your Size

Welcome to There is Nothing to Fear, written by Callmesalticidae and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

04 – How To Win A Bar Fight – Chapter 10


  1. Graphic Descriptions of Pain
  2. Graphic Descriptions of Wound Care
  3. Surprise Tests

Welcome to The Essential How-To Guide for the Engineering Jedi, written by Jackdaw_Kraai and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

Hermione Granger and the Silent Country 19: Fake It When You Can’t

Welcome to There is Nothing to Fear, written by Callmesalticidae and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

04 – How To Win A Bar Fight – Chapter 09


  1. Blood
  2. Graphic Description of Non-consensual Mind Reading/Mind Rape
  3. Graphic Description of Seizure-like Symptoms
  4. Vader
  5. Threats
  6. Reckless Driving

Welcome to The Essential How-To Guide for the Engineering Jedi, written by Jackdaw_Kraai and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!